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Table of Contents

  1. Coursework and Certifications
  2. Career Opportunities and Development
  3. Job Searching
    • Current professional experience
    • Supplemental jobs
    • IT Field
  4. Supplemental Knowledge
  5. Appendix
    • Timeline Overview
    • Costs Analysist
    • Relevant Articles
    • Additional Resources

Coursework and Certifications

CompTIA A+ (3 months)
This certification primarily focuses on IT operational roles and technical support.

  • I will be applying to these roles from the start of this
  • It provides foundational knowledge for IT professionals.
    : Qualifies for positions like Support Specialist or Field Service Technician

CompTIA Network+

  • (3 months): A vital certification for networking designed to verify a professional’s ability to manage, maintain, troubleshoot, and configure basic network infrastructure.
  • Potential job roles include Network Field Technician and Help Desk Technician.

    Cisco CCNA or CompTIA Security+ (3 months)
    : This certification will train on networking knowledge specifically for Cisco’s suite of networking hardware and software.

    • Possible positions include Network Support Engineer and Network Administrator.

    CompTIA PenTest+ (3 months):
    : A unique twist, bringing in ethical hacking.
    : This cert confirms ability to do vulnerability assessment and penetration testing.

    • End goal positions: Ethical Hacker or Penetration Tester.

Career Opportunities and Development

Career Paths based on Qualification Levels:

a. DevOps:

  1. Entry: Junior DevOps Engineer (Skills: CompTIA A+, Network+)
    • An entry-level position where the professional works under supervision to manage code releases. They may be responsible for setting up environments, understanding basic deployment, and automation tools, and ensuring that software is reliably maintained and delivered.
  2. Mid-level: DevOps Engineer (Skills: Linux+, Python, BASH scripting)
    • A mid-level role that oversees code releases and bridges the gap between development and operations teams. They automate and streamline operations and processes, ensure system reliability, and frequently collaborate with software developers, system operators, and other IT staff.
  3. Advanced: Senior DevOps Engineer/DevOps Architect (Skills: Advanced scripting, Security+, real-world simulations)
    • In this advanced role, the professional not only manages code releases but also designs and implements strategies for deployment processes and infrastructure changes. They play a crucial role in scaling operations, enhancing system architecture, and ensuring high system reliability

b. Cybersecurity:

  1. Entry: Cybersecurity Technician (Skills: CompTIA A+, Network+)
    • An entry-level position responsible for maintaining the safety of computer systems. They often manage user access, monitor activity logs, assist with vulnerability assessments, and work under the guidance of more experienced security professionals.
  2. Mid-level: Cybersecurity Analyst (Skills: Security+, CySA+)
    • A mid-level role focused on protecting systems against unauthorized access, attacks, and damage. They proactively identify vulnerabilities, respond to security breaches, and implement protective measures to prevent future incidents.
  3. Advanced: Cybersecurity Manager/Specialist (Skills: Advanced certifications, real-world simulations)
    • At this advanced level, the professional manages the cybersecurity team, designs security policies and protocols, coordinates response to major incidents, and collaborates with top management to integrate security into the organization’s vision.

c. Ethical Hacking:

  1. Entry: Junior Penetration Tester (Skills: Network+, Security+)
  2. Mid-level: Penetration Tester (Skills: PenTest+, Hack The Box challenges)
  3. Advanced: Senior Penetration Tester/Red Team Lead (Skills: Advanced challenges, continuous learning)

Job Searching

My plan for my job search considering my current experience level and available options:

  1. Current Professional Experience: Continue to apply for roles in Account Management, Vendor Management, Business Development, and Account Executive positions.
  2. Supplemental Jobs: Seek positions in “big box” retail stores or warehouse positions to ensure financial stability.
  3. IT Field: I can apply right now for IT helpdesk positions to get my foot in the door, even if I secure a job in category 2. - also many of these are remote positions.

Supplemental Knowledge

  1. Personal Website ( Use this as a platform to document my journey, develop another skill (Web Design - server development), Give back what I’m learning.
    • To Include:
    • Resume in html form - includes a downloadable link
    • Blogs about coursework and practical experiences
    • Projects for these elements (personal IT helpdesk for family, security monitoring, etc...)
    • Contact form and donations link (to support the journey and content created)
  2. Coding Languages Training (Duration overlaps with certification studies):
    a. Python (Duration: 6 months)
    • A versatile language widely used in DevOps automation and cybersecurity tools.
      b. JavaScript (Duration: 3 months)
    • Essential for understanding web vulnerabilities and developing web-based tools.
      c. BASH Scripting (Duration: 2 months)
    • Important for automating tasks on Linux, a prevalent OS in DevOps and cybersecurity.
    • Networking Events:
    • Hacktoberfest: An annual event promoting open-source collaboration.
    • CTF (Capture The Flag) events: Competitive events where participants solve security-related challenges.
    • Local IT Meetups: Engage with professionals and enthusiasts.


Timeline Overview

  • September to November 2023: CompTIA A+, Start Python
  • December 2023 to February 2024: CompTIA Network+, Start JavaScript
  • March to May 2024: CompTIA Security+ (or Cisco CCNA), BASH Scripting
  • June to July 2024: CompTIA Linux+
  • August to October 2024: CompTIA CySA+, Start with Hack The Box and TryHackMe
  • November 2024 to January 2025: CompTIA PenTest+, Continue with advanced challenges on simulation platforms.

Visual Timeline

Costs Analysis:

CompTIA’s Official Website will have up-to-date pricing.

CertCost per course# of coursesTotal
CompTIA A+$2492$498
CompTIA Network+$3581$358
CompTIA Security+$3921$392
Cisco CCNA[^1]$3001$300
CompTIA PenTest+$3921$392
Total 5$1640

Additional coursework and course prep is $45/month at (ITproTV)

Relevant Articles:

Additional Resources: